I know world news is all a bit concerning at the moment. So, I want you to sit down somewhere comfortable with a cup of tea — or perhaps it’s time for something stronger? Breathe in… breathe out… and relax. Now you’re in the mood to read Southsea Lifestyle, which is a guaranteed stress-free zone. Begin by examining the cover, look at that clear calm water, fancy a paddle, or have you ever thought of paddleboarding? See p.26. Or perhaps you’ve been considering some decorating for spring? Do you need the services of a stylist or an interior designer, but what’s the difference? Find out on p.34 Then how about the joy of recycling on p.44, which may not sound like a very promising topic, but Laura Allen makes it both interesting and inspiring? For added relaxation, take a walk in the spring sunshine and e njoy our beautiful city… Happy Easter to you.
Kevin John Dean
Posted in: Back Issues