My son has a poster on his bedroom wall – Make Art Not War, a sentiment that would, no doubt, be lost on President Putin and his acolytes.
It sounds fantastical I know, but just imagine if anyone who had ill feelings for another, simply took out a pencil and paper and drew, or painted a watercolour, wrote a poem, sang a song, or simply stopped for a moment and looked at the beauty of our beautiful world? Creativity is our theme for this edition and I’m not talking arty-farty-shhh-please-don’t-touch-highly-exclusive-art, but stuff we can all get involved with.
From art classes at The Omega Centre, to joining a drawing session at St Simon’s church to raise money for Afghanistan (p.41). Make a ‘situationist map’ at Kate Street’s free workshop (p.38), or bake a cake, plant something, or write a letter to a friend? Or simply join one of the many Ports Fest events (p.26). Creativity comes in many guises but they all go to make our lives more fulfilling and enjoyable.
PS: you can buy your own Make Art Not War image at Southsea Gallery — the Ukrainian refugee crisis.
Kevin John Dean
Posted in: Back Issues